UMBL is intended for disassembly of particular military and civil materials from ISO containers and from pallets, and for assembly of supplying sets on nonreturnable pallets with standard dimensions, suitable for air transport.
There is supposed primarily the assembly of foodstuff, packed water, and other non detailed specified common materials.
More material categories can be stored on one palette. The assembled material is fastened on the palette by straps and is protected against climatic conditions by foil.
The assembled material will be transported from UMBL to the destination (forwarded issuing location, directly to supplying battalions and companies, etc.) by user’s transporting means.
UMBL is configured for use either on the Czech Republic territory or on LOGBASE deployed stage, in line with operating conditions according to the Chapter 4.4. The material, assembled by packing line, will be intended for supplying of abroad operating Czech troops, eventually of brigade special tasks groups or European Battle Group (EUBG).
- main manipulating and assembly working place (UMBL/hall);
- administrator’s working place (UMBL/A);
- packing and marking working place (UMBL/B);
- hardware and APV software (UMBL)