GeMoZ-C is mobile equipment intended for geographical support of unit that are developed in abroad missions. It enables, in line with the aim of E 2861 – NETWORK ENABLED SERVICES (Supporting information systems) power creation, to gain, analyse and supply al available military-geographical data and information about the war scenario both in analogue and digital form, to work with restricted data up to level “Secret” and to generate REP (Recognized Environmental Picture) into integrated C2 system. The task of this working place is to make military-geographical analyses, to create special geographical documents up to the security level “Secret” and to submit meteorological data and information from the service area.
The mobile working place consists of two ISO 1C containers – working and technological, and one briefing tent. The working container is intended for activity of 3-people crew on specialised technical and technological devices with the ability to make military-geographical analyses, to create special geographical documents up to the security level “Secret” and to submit meteorological data and information from the service area. The technological container is intended as technical and technological base with generating set, filtering and ventilating unit, air condition, heating. It also serves as storage of printed documents, spare parts and other components required for the working place operation. The briefing tent is intended for personal protection against the bad weather conditions in organising of meetings, consultations, presentations and other activities. It is designed as inflatable with covered connection to both containers. It is sufficient for 8 sitting persons and accommodates desks, magnetic board and notice board.