Digital Data Diode (3D-100, 3D-1000) is used to transfer data from a lower degree of secrecy network to a higher degree of secrecy network. The number after the dash indicates the bit rate in Mbps.
The basic assembly of the diode consists of two devices. The transmitting part receives data from networks with a lower classification level and sends it via a “one-way” optical interface to a receiving part connected to networks with a higher classification level. The advantage is the diode works on the basis of the IP protocol and it is also available from other routable networks.

The diode is supplied in two variants, namely:
- simple device for transmitting UDP datagrams or streams (picture above)
- equipment, including software for transmission and control of transmitted data (file mirror). This device can be cascaded. This can increase the baud rate and also ensure redundancy of the diodes in the event of a failure of one of them. The file mirror can be supplemented with special feedback to ensure trouble-free and fully automatic file transfer while maintaining system certifiability. (picture below)
The device can be modified or hardened according to the customer’s requirements or, after agreement, the software can be modified.